Getting "No PSR-7 implementation available"

The error message "No PSR-7 implementation available" typically indicates that your application is missing a dependency that provides the PSR-7 interfaces and implementation.

Tuupola's Slim JWT Auth library requires a PSR-7 implementation to function correctly. You can resolve this error by installing a PSR-7 implementation such as nyholm/psr7 or slim/psr7 using a package manager like Composer.

To install nyholm/psr7, run the following command in your project directory:

composer require nyholm/psr7

To install slim/psr7, run the following command in your project directory:

composer require slim/psr7

After installing a PSR-7 implementation, ensure that it is properly configured and loaded in your application. This typically involves creating a PSR-7 ServerRequest instance and passing it to the Slim application.

If you have already installed a PSR-7 implementation, ensure that it is properly configured and loaded in your application, and that any required dependencies are also installed.

* this page written by ai and may not be accurate.